What is a Bat Mitzvah? A Bat Mitzvah is a Jewish coming-of-age ceremony for girls, marking their transition into adulthood within the Jewish community.
What happens during a Bat Mitzvah ceremony? The Bat Mitzvah girl usually reads from the Torah (Jewish holy scripture) and may deliver a D'var Torah (interpretation or commentary) to the congregation. It is a significant moment where she demonstrates her commitment to her faith and community.
What should I wear to a Bat Mitzvah? Guests are usually asked to dress modestly and respectfully. For women, dresses, skirts, or slacks and blouses are appropriate, while men typically wear suits or dress shirts and slacks.
What is Friday Night Shabbat Service? Friday night shabbat services are usually a smaller gathering. Usually immediate family and members of the temple community attend Friday night services. Following services, a light oneg (celebration) takes places with sweets, fruit, and coffee served.
What happens Saturday morning? Saturday morning services are the main event where Hannah will be called to the Bema during services. Services begin at 9:30 am and end around 12:00 pm. After services, a kiddush luncheon is hosted by the family in the Social Hall for the entire community.
What is the difference between Temple services and the Saturday night party? Friday night and Saturday morning services are open to the entire community. Saturday night's party is an invite only celebration.
Is photography and video recording allowed? So that everyone may join in community to celebrate this milestone for Hannah, we ask that there is no photography and videorecording. The service is livestreamed and a recording will be available after for anyone who would like a copy.